airplane repo fake
In Season 1 Airplane Repo depicts the experts that the banks have hired to repossess the high-value aircraft from the owners who havent pay the bills on time or whose payments for airplanes have become overdue. Starring Nick Popovich a mightily charismatic repossession agent who claims to have spent at least one night in a Haitian jail cell the episodes provide insight into the complicated business of stripping the richest from their most-valued assets. Pin On 100 Texan With Ken Cage Danny Thompson Kevin Lacey Mike Kennedy. . The Premise of Airplane Repo. Today Hills Santa Barbara California-based outfit Business Aircraft Sales is one of only 3 airplane repo outfits in the US. I didnt realize until I watched Airplane Repo that every little GA field has more security than Fort Knox. Airplane Repo debuted with a three-episode pilot season on Discovery Channel. Answer 1 of 4. I know they like to spin it to make everyone in the world seem like...